Introducing PAVEU

The Pan African Virtual and E- University (PAVEU) is one of AU’s flagship projects that has been proposed for addressing the Agenda 2063 need for accelerating development of human capital, science and technology and innovation through increasing access to tertiary and continuing education in Africa by capitalizing on the digital revolution and global knowledge; reaching large numbers of students and professionals in multiple sites simultaneously- anywhere, anytime; and by consolidating African initiatives and strategies on accelerated development of human capital; science, technology and innovation.

The African Union aspiration is for a well-educated citizens and skills revolution underpinned by science, technology and innovation for a knowledge society. In this respect, the primary purpose of the PAVEU is to maximize student access quality, relevant and credible programs through the use of a variety of digital technologies, as follows:

  1. Aspire to provide every qualified candidate within the continent particularly women the opportunity to access tertiary and continuing education in Africa, and earn degrees and certificates that prepares them for employment, knowledge generation, innovation and entrepreneurship
  2. Ensure that support services are available to distant learners and faculty to assist in providing research- driven and evidence-based quality education that are conveniently accessed
  3. Encourage and optimize the use of emerging, new and adaptive technologies for pedagogy, content delivery, research and management
  4. Offer the African Diaspora and the international academic community an innovative continental framework to contribute towards the development of higher education and research in Africa
  5. Promote inter-disciplinary and multidisciplinary academic research programs integrated into development policy at continental, regional and national levels
  6. Ensure sustained systematic assessment of courses, programs, and services to improve the university’s mission
  7. Enhance Africa’s contribution to the global knowledge economy
  8. Work to link the Pan African e-Network (another agenda 2063 Priority project) and the Pan African Virtual and E-University initiative
  9. Support the development of e-enabled and e-compliant teaching and learning environments
  10. Enhance the ease of re-skilling and second chance education and training

Our Vision

To be a leading centre of excellence in providing open access to online higher education and research for the advancement of Africa.

Our Mission

To provide world class inclusive quality-assured and relevant education to Africans anytime and anywhere and to conduct innovative research to catalyse the African Union’s Agenda 2063.


The PAVEU shall aspire to provide every qualified candidate within the continent and beyond the opportunity to acquire knowledge and skills that prepare them for employment, knowledge generation, innovation and entrepreneurship. It shall strive to ensure that support services are available to distant learners and faculties to assist in providing research-driven and evidence-based quality education that are conveniently accessed.


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